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Recruitment requirement

2017 demand major:

1. materials science and Engineering    master          8 people

2. Automated          undergraduate and above        6 people

3, mechanical design and manufacturing    undergraduate and above    6 people

4. chemical analysis     master          1 people

5. inorganic nonmetallic materials     master          1 people

6. structural engineering   master          1 people

7. rock and land mines    master          1 people

Salary and welfare:

1, the introduction of talent should be the master's degree,  after 6 months probation period ,the post salary is no less than 4500 yuan / month; signed three year term of the labor contract after the probation period, salary and enjoy the year-end bonus, an average of not less than 10 thousand yuan.

2, the provision of housing (self settlement of housing, housing subsidies 300 yuan / month), lunch allowance of 220 yuan / month, traffic allowance of 150 yuan / month. According to the actual personal income as base pay to pay five social insurance and one housing fund, individual housing provident fund to pay the proportion of 10%, the proportion of units to pay 10%. 

(R & D Park)No.70. Science Avenue, High-Tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Prov, China / (Industry Park)No.26. Huagong Road, High-Tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Prov, China

Telephone:+86 371 6785 2000


Fax:+86 371 6763 2895

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