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“The weight of copper plated steel wire coating and its component test method -YB/T135-2018”has been approved

Revised by our company National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center ——the industry standard "weight of copper coating and component test methods" has been approved by the People's Republic of China Ministry of industry and information technology on November 7, 2017 (Bulletin No.: No. 48 in 2017), the new name is "standard weight of copper coating and component YB/T135-2018 test method". The standard established by the end of 2014 project (project number: 2014-1921T-YB plan),and the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center is responsible for the revision, Professor Qiu Yuemei is in charge of the project, units involved in the Henan Bo Si Te metal products Co. Ltd., Shandong Da Ye and Metallurgical Industry Information Standards Institute and other units. The project lasted for 3 years, by e-mail, phone and QQ collect opinions, and exchanges between the enterprises, universities and scientific research units and technical staff, and hold 2 meeting of experts organized demonstration of each audit; we successfully complete the revision task based on the careful consideration on the terms in the standard to improve the detection efficiency and reduce testing cost, scientific and practical principles,

The standard will be implemented on 04 2018.(Wang Baoyu)

(R & D Park)No.70. Science Avenue, High-Tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Prov, China / (Industry Park)No.26. Huagong Road, High-Tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Prov, China

Telephone:+86 371 6785 2000


Fax:+86 371 6763 2895

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